Thursday 26 April 2007

Buy To Let Homeowners To Double

The number of Buy To Let property investors is to double over the next three years, a recent report suggests.

Market research analysts, Mintel as discussed on, believe that around 3% of homeowners are thinking of purchasing a second property to let to tenants by the year 2010 which would double the existing number of investors in the market.

Concerns are growing that first time buyers are going to be under increasing pressure to get on to the property ladder and for many, this may already seem an impossible task. The buy to let market may actually be beginning to fuel itself as more and more second properties are snapped up for rental purposes, forcing too many people to chase too few properties which inevitably forces housing prices up and more people into rented accommodation.

On a brighter note, the government are looking at housing schemes aimed specifically at first time buyers and those involved in essential services industries. We can expect more to come over the next few terms of office.

To apply for a mortgage or for more information, hints, tips and money saving help, visit

What men really mean when they say...

Means: "I'm going to drink myself dangerously stupid, and stand by a stream with a stick in my hand, while the fish swim by in complete safety."

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